

发布日期:2020-12-12 点击次数:30

The logistics structure we often refer to not only refers to the layout of logistics network points (warehouses, stations, processing centers, etc.), but also refers to the combination of all aspects of logistics (loading and unloading, transportation, storage, processing, packaging, delivery, etc.). The spatial layout of logistics outlets affects the route, direction and process of logistics to a large extent, and the internal structure of each link in logistics directly affects the effectiveness of the logistics movement. A reasonable logistics structure requires not only that the establishment of logistics outlets is conducive to the rapid and efficient movement of logistics, but also that the proportions of all links of logistics are appropriate and the internal structure of the links conforms to the principles of optimizing resource allocation and developing specialized and socialized circulation.

Yuexin Logistics mainly refers to the cargo flow between Mainland China and Hong Kong. The structure of Yuexin Logistics refers to the combination of China-Hong Kong logistics network points and various links of China-Hong Kong logistics. Mainly the company‘s internal network structure and the harmonious coordination of all aspects of the goods (loading and unloading, transportation, warehousing, processing, packaging, delivery, etc.), which improves the operational efficiency of Yuexin Logistics Company, and delivers goods to customers on time, which requires reasonable logistics network settings , Which is conducive to the rapid and efficient movement of logistics, and requires that the proportion of each link of Yuexin Logistics is appropriate and the internal structure of the links meets the optimization of resource allocation, saves resources to the greatest extent, advocates green logistics, and improves timeliness to the fastest. This is the best presentation of each China-Hong Kong logistics structure.
Storage layout analysis:
1. Entry and exit are carried out through different doors, entry is from the entry door, and exit is from the exit door.
2. Coupon system, each box has two copies, one is pasted on the box, and the other is placed in the folder, sorted according to the warehousing time, when the material is needed, the material with the earliest document time in the folder is first moved out for use.
3. Double-zone system, in the two zones for material deployment, the incoming materials are placed in zone A, and the material is issued from zone B. When the issuance of zone B is completed, the signs of the two zones are interchanged, and the material is always issued in zone B.
4. Gravity feeding system, suitable for bulk materials, cement, rice, plastic particles, oil, bulk materials in the warehouse, from the upper part of the warehouse, the lower part of the warehouse.
5. The shifting area system, the materials are moved from the inspection and storage end or one side to the sending end to ensure that the advanced and shortcomings are moved every time the material is sent, and the workload is large. (The goods can be placed on rollers or wheel boards)
6. Shafted products are put on the steel frame with the shaft to realize the gradual movement from the storage end to the delivery end (while solving the problem of stacking layer height), and a locking device is required.
Warehouse layout design:
(1) Generally, it should be arranged according to the process of warehousing, acceptance, storage, sorting and outgoing;
(2) Determine the position according to the operating frequency and approach the door with high frequency. Determination of the size of the cargo space: The size of the cargo space is related to the utilization rate of the warehouse area and space, as well as whether the storage space can be accessed smoothly. The size of the cargo space depends on the clearance size that needs to be set aside around the cargo unit. It also depends on the single demand during the peak sales season. Consider the total amount of materials. Don‘t pay attention to cargo flow (large throughput should be placed in the position with the shortest moving distance, including the main aisle, low cargo position).


Functional area division:refers to the comprehensive and reasonable arrangement of the various components of the warehouse-inventory area, warehousing inspection area, tally area, distribution stocking area, passage and auxiliary operation area within the specified scope.
(1) Classified storage according to the characteristics of the goods, and store goods with similar characteristics in a centralized manner;
(2) Store goods with large unit volume and unit weight at the bottom of the shelf, and close to the outbound area and passage;
(3) Store goods with high turnover rate in the most convenient location for loading, unloading and handling in and out of the warehouse;
(4) Store the goods of the same supplier or the same customer in a centralized way to facilitate sorting and distribution operations.
Logistics related design: linear The entrance and exit are on the opposite side of the warehouse. Regardless of the size of the order and the number of items picked, they must pass through the warehouse throughout the entire process, which is suitable for simple and small-scale logistics operations; Logistics related design: double straight line The entrance and exit are on the opposite side of the warehouse, but there are two passages, which are suitable for similar operating procedures, but there are two different forms of logistics for inbound and outbound forms;
Logistics related design: zigzag type The entrances and exits are on different sides of the warehouse, with a zigzag route, which is usually suitable for multiple rows of parallel storage shelves;
Logistics related design: U-shape The entrance and exit are on the same side of the warehouse. According to the frequency of incoming and outgoing items, the items with a large volume of goods are arranged in the storage area near the entrance and exit ends to shorten the picking and transportation routes of items;
Logistics relevance design: split type It is suitable for the diversion operation of batch picking. Warehouse channel design: 1. Channel type, channel in the storage area, channel between warehouses (cargo spaces); 2. The direction, width and quantity of the passages, the car passage is not less than 4 meters, and the forklift passage is not less than 3.6 meters; 3. Make the goods in and out of the warehouse be one-way and linear movement, avoid reverse operation and inefficient operation of drastically changing direction; 4. Places that are easy to hit during transportation can be wrapped with soft materials (corners, columns, etc.).
Warehouse handling equipment design:
1. Use high-efficiency material handling equipment;
2. The handling equipment should reasonably design the clamping tool according to the shape of the warehouse material. The forklift plate of the paper roll is curved, and the plate considers the rolling brake device and has soft protection;
3. Under the restrictions of the size, type and turning radius of the material handling equipment, try to minimize the space occupied by the passage.
Warehouse cargo stacking design: Cargo stacking: refers to the general term for the operation methods and methods of cargo stacking. It is a method of stacking the goods into various shapes according to a certain rule according to the requirements of the packaging, appearance and storage of the goods, combined with the warehouse equipment conditions and the length of storage time. 1. Basic requirements for cargo stacking
(1) The quantity, quality and packaging of the goods must meet the requirements when they are officially stacked;
(2) The stacking site must be dry and high-padded. For the convenience of mechanical handling, pallets can be used;
(3) The basic requirements of stacking: reasonable, firm, quantitative, neat and economical.
2. Goods stacking method
(1) Stack as high as possible to improve storage efficiency;
(2) The principle of focusing on the downside and overriding the above;
(3) Select the location according to the outbound frequency;
(4) The principle of keeping the same variety in the same place;
(5) Principle of easy identification;
(6) The principle of convenient points;
(7) Arrange the storage method according to the shape;
(8) The goods are easy to be scratched and damaged, and the pallet should have a protective layer of foam board;
(9) When stacking goods to prevent rolling, it is necessary to consider whether the goods will be damaged.

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