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With the resumption of work in China, shipping business has gradually increased, and interest rates have indeed fallen

Time:2018-01-08 Views:87

                With the resumption of work in China, shipping business has gradually increased, and interest rates have indeed fallen

The online shipping index, Weightos, has confirmed that as the quarantine period draws to a close, most Chinese factories have resumed work and factories have resumed production. "However, according to Freightos, although many of these maritime facilities are in operation, their capacity is below normal, many of which are around 80%.The company added: “Last week’s inter-provincial trucking was a major pain point. It also benefited from these developments and is now also operating at approximately 80% of its capacity.”According to Freightos, China’s latest ocean freight rates to the United States have been severely affected by the slow recovery of production.Since last week, the price of China-US West Shipping (FBX01) has risen by 2%, reaching $1,331/FEU. Prices this week are 13% lower than the same period last year.China-US East Shipping prices (FBX03) fell 1% to $2,550/FEU. This rate is 7% lower than last year.

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