Analysis of Ideal Logistics Yuexin (Shenzhen) Export Customs Declaration

Time:2020-12-12 Views:35

1. Express shipment declaration requires accurate product name and Chinese packing list. Unified declaration by our company!

2. For general trade declaration, please read the relevant matters in detail.

3. Provide a complete set of accurate customs declaration materials (including: packing list, invoice, contract, electronic entrustment, and draft declaration).

4. All documents must be the original Chinese version stamped.

5. The packing list and invoice must be stamped with the official seal at the bottom right, the contract must be stamped with the official seal at the seller, and the power of attorney must be stamped with the official seal at the upper right and lower left corners.

6. In the information of the authorized customs broker at the electronic port, check the automatic confirmation and send the electronic commission.

7. If the customs stipulates that the goods need to be inspected, the "Outbound Goods Clearance Form" shall be provided, and the renewal slip can be given in advance for those in other places.

8. Our company will declare each ticket according to the customer‘s detailed information.

Such as declaration elements found in the process of recording orders and other customs declaration issues should be responded to within the specified time to ensure the time limit for most cargoes. Enterprises refer to the above information to carry out export

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