Common problems and prevention of general cargo transportation

Time:2020-11-28 Views:38

Due to the diversity of transported goods, some goods have different characteristics, so the appropriate protection method should be selected according to these characteristics during transportation. 

1. Transportation of grains: due to the timeliness, seasonality, and one-way characteristics of goods such as rice, wheat, and various miscellaneous grains, the general transportation volume is also large, so it should be mainly protected from moisture and pollution. 

2. Transportation of steel: The transportation of steel should be protected from moisture and rust, and the load should be evenly balanced.

3. Transportation of coal: There are many types of coal and a large flow of goods. Different types of coal cannot be mixed together during transportation, and leakage should be prevented.

4. Transport of mineral building materials: mineral building materials include cement, yellow sand, stones, tiles, bricks and various ores. Its characteristics are low value, large amount, and low transportation requirements, but bricks and tiles must be shatter-proof, and cement must be moisture-proof. This type of cargo is usually transported in bulk and its destination is generally a construction site.

5. Transportation of fragile goods: fragile goods should be packaged to prevent damage. 

6. Transportation of daily industrial products: including small commodities, daily necessities, food, metal light industrial products, textile industrial products, and other light industrial products. Due to the variety of goods and names, they are often referred to as "groceries." Pay attention to moisture prevention, reduce mixed pollution, cargo damage, and cargo difference during transportation. Some of the goods are also flammable and require attention.

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