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Development status and future of domestic shipping-Yuexin Logistics Shipping

Time:2018-01-08 Views:98
                                                                                                  Development status and future of domestic shipping-Yuexin Logistics Shipping
 Shipping service industry is a general term for derivative service industries based on traditional port and sea transportation industry. The maritime service industry has not yet a unified concept and industry scope definition in the academic circles or the industry. As a sub-category of the maritime service industry, the modern shipping service industry faces the same concept and industry scope definition problems. Therefore, the author of this article needs to define the concept and industry scope of the modern shipping service industry expressed in this article before introducing the status quo of the modern shipping service industry in my country. The author of this article believes that the reason for adding the word "modern" before the maritime service industry is that the various industries in the convergence of this type of industry have the characteristics of high-end, complex, and strong integration of maritime elements. The detailed industries include maritime The maritime finance industry of insurance, financing and derivatives, the maritime arbitration industry related to the resolution of maritime disputes, the ship brokerage industry related to the sale and lease of ships, the ship management industry related to ship operations, and the maritime information consulting industry related to maritime industry seminars Wait.
   1. The status quo of modern shipping services
  The concept of modern shipping service is closely related to the development of my country‘s international shipping center. In 2009, the “Opinions of the State Council on Promoting Shanghai to Accelerate the Development of Modern Service Industry and Advanced Manufacturing to Build an International Financial Center and International Shipping Center” (Guofa [2009] No. 19) (referred to as “Circular 19”) issued by the State Council for the first time The government document proposed that the establishment of the Shanghai International Shipping Center should "fundamentally constitute a modern shipping service system with high-quality services and complete functions." So far, the establishment of a modern shipping service system has officially become an important part of the development of the Shanghai International Shipping Center. Thereafter, the establishment of Tianjin North International Shipping Center, Dalian Northeast Asia International Shipping Center, Xiamen Southeast International Shipping Center, Zhoushan International Maritime Service Center, etc. all proposed the purpose of establishing a modern shipping service system.
   my country‘s modern shipping service industry is still in its infancy and chasing stage. After the financial crisis, the economic and trade market in the Asia-Pacific region has gradually become an important supporting force for global economic and trade. Therefore, the international trade of new economies represented by China, India and Southeast Asia has been unfolded, and the port and sea transportation industry that serves international trade has also gained Develop quickly. The modern shipping service industry, as a derivative element of the traditional shipping industry, has also gradually shifted to the Asia-Pacific region. The international shipping centers in the mainland area have expanded the opening policy from time to time, improved the basic elements and optimized the business environment to absorb the modern shipping service elements of the east. Take the Shanghai International Shipping Center as an example. At present, the number of international ship management companies that have been deregistered in Shanghai is about 40, and the number of registered ship brokering companies has reached 30. The Shanghai International Shipping Center has become the main maritime arbitration center and ship management in mainland China. Financing center and marine insurance center. Although the international shipping centers in mainland my country have achieved some results in absorbing shipping elements, due to differences in legal systems, institutional mechanisms and other aspects from Western societies, the central departments and functions of Dongjin’s shipping service elements have been transferred to Singapore, Traditional international shipping centers in Asia such as Hong Kong, China.
  2. Problems in the development of modern shipping services in my country
   Lack of innovative and standard regulatory systems and mechanisms. In recent years, the country has continued to expand and open up from time to time. Through the establishment of a free trade experimental zone and even a free port in the future, a new round of opening has been promoted, and certain results have been obtained. It has absorbed a part of the international modern shipping service elements in the free trade zone. Agglomeration. However, the prevailing industry norms and operating mechanism of the international shipping industry are built under the Western political and legal system, which is quite different from the current political and legal system in mainland my country. Due to the lack of innovation in my country‘s opening-up measures, the differences between China and the West in terms of politics and law have not been effectively compensated, and the international shipping services gathered by international shipping centers in the mainland have shown a phenomenon of "unacceptable". In order to prevent this phenomenon, international shipping service companies have to set up some branches in the mainland to attract business, while their central headquarters and settlement departments are concentrated in Singapore, Hong Kong, and other places. In addition, due to the non-standard and opaque regulatory mechanism, and the imperfect legal system, many international modern shipping service companies have either questioned the business environment in the mainland or are unable to carry out related businesses due to lack of supervision, which affects their business in the mainland. Gather and develop. In addition, as a high-end industry type serving the international maritime industry, modern shipping services pay special attention to the cultivation of international credibility. Since the institutional environment in the mainland has not been effectively guaranteed, it has also led to modern shipping services that focus on the cultivation of international credibility. Do not choose to gather in the mainland area.
   There is a shortage of talents for modern shipping services. Any kind of modern shipping service industry is the integration of a certain type of service industry and the shipping industry. Therefore, modern shipping service talents are compound high-end talents, that is, such talents must not only understand the knowledge related to shipping, but also know the relevant service skills. For example, service personnel in the ship financing industry must not only understand the budget of ship value, but also have rich financing skills; ship brokers also need the ability to budget the value of ship assets, and at the same time need certain brokerage skills. In addition, since the customers of modern shipping service practitioners often come from all over the world, they also have higher demands for their language skills. Since the common language of the international shipping industry is English, modern shipping service practitioners in Singapore, Hong Kong and other places have inherent advantages. The overall development of modern shipping service industry in my country is relatively late, and the cultivation of maritime talents is also relatively late, and has not yet constituted a relatively standard modern shipping service talent cultivation mechanism, which has led to a slower development of the independent cultivation of modern shipping service talents; due to lack of sufficient absorption capacity Due to the unique element activities of modern shipping services, it is difficult to obtain good results in the introduction of international shipping service talents. The above two aspects have caused the shortage of modern shipping service talents in my country, which are the main bottlenecks that hinder the development of modern shipping services in China. one.
  The function of the modern shipping service center is lacking. As mentioned in the previous article, due to the differences in the political and legal environment from the West, the elements of modern shipping services that have caused Dongjin are mainly concentrated in Singapore, Hong Kong and other places. This section will take several detailed modern shipping service industries as examples to discuss the above concepts. Take the ship financing industry as an example. The mainland of my country is one of the three largest shipbuilding regions in the world, but it is the domestic shipowners who are building new ships.
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